Saturday, September 14, 2013

Innovation Action Plan (IAP) 2013-14 of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways Govt. of India


Innovation is going to be the engine for the growth of prosperity and national competitiveness in the 21st century. Government of India has recognized this aspect and the President of India has declared 2010-2020 as the Decade of Innovation. National Innovation Council has been set up to discuss, analyze and help implement strategies for inclusive innovation in India and prepare a roadmap for innovation 2010-2020.

According to National Innovation Council, innovation means:

  • Thinking differently, creatively and insightfully
  • Enable solutions / inventions that have an impact on social and economic value
  • Fulfill unmet needs, not met by conventional products/processes/institutional forms
  • Move beyond R&D to mean new applications of old technologies, new processes & structures,          organizational creativity & more...

To prepare sectoral roadmap for innovation, Sectoral Innovation Council has been formed by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in June, 2011 which comprises members from Government Academy, Industry, Civil Society, Professional Societies and other sectors. Ministry has already framed Roadmap for road sector for innovation 2010-2020.

The Performance Management Division of Cabinet Secretariat has desired to prepare Innovation Action Plan for the year 2013-14. As per the guidelines of the Performance Management Division, it envisages mainly administrative and managerial Innovation which can significantly change the working of the Ministry and efficiency/delivery system may be significantly improved. The administrative Innovation may be judged by its availability to create public value.


Ministry has already a presence on the face book. Various schemes/activities of this Ministry are posted on Ministry’s page on the Facebook. Suggestions on various issues are also invited. Apart from this, complaints/grievances of the general public are also addressed through this page.

We are intending to further improve the system by categorizing the complaints/ideas and also to get solution from the users. To attract more users, it is also intended to create a reward mechanism to make the process sustainable.

This Ministry is dealing with the State PWD's and also with various concessioners, consultants and contractors. We are intending to get specific feedback from them.

To create a system to receive, collate and encourage innovative ideas, employees corner would be introduced on Ministry’s page on the Facebook/Ministry’s website. A dedicated team would be constituted to evaluate the feedback to be received from various stake holders. This Committee would meet regularly and based on deliberations, necessary improvement would be introduced in the Ministry’s working to improve the efficiency and satisfaction of the various users/general public.

This dedicated team will make a presentation before Hon’ble Minister about the ideas/complaints received from the stake holders and necessary changes made in the working of the Ministry. It is also proposed to have a direct public interaction once or twice in a year through Google hangout.

It is expected that it will enable us to have a web based brain storming with various stake holders leading to generation of various innovative ideas which may be beneficial for improving the efficiency of the Ministry and also to provide better services to the stake holders. This system is expected to sustain since it would provide leadership initiatives and key interest in the programme. The Ministry would indicate its commitment towards innovation by disclosing the information/details in the public domain and also by rewarding the users and solution providers.


As stated above, a team would be constituted to evaluate the ideas generated from various stake holders. The implementable ideas would be brought through Ministry’s page on face book in the public domain. The details of the person / employee who contributed towards such ideas would be displayed on the Ministry’s website. Regular update about the Ministry’s functioning/working would also be uploaded. It is also intended that all the new technologies/innovation being adopted based on deliberation at various forums including in Indian Road Congress would also be made available on the website for adoption by various consultants/contractors. The policy changes regarding mode of implementation of highway construction and other incentives/taxes etc. applicable for highway industry/sector would also be regularly published on Ministry’s web page.

Besides involvement of this Ministry in planning, maintenance and construction of highways, cases of access permission are also dealt. Presently, proposals for these access permission are received from various executive agencies through post and ultimately approved in the Ministry and communicated to the applicant through executive agencies. To speed up, this Ministry intends to evolve on-line system of approval.


As already mentioned, we have already created Ministry’s web page on Facebook. The time line for various activities proposed to be taken up during the year 2013-14 are as under:-

  • Creation of a dedicated team for administrative innovation - Sept., 2013
  • Creation of employees corner on Ministry’s page on Facebbook/Ministry’s website – Sept.,               2013
  • Regular meeting of dedicated team at least once in a quarter
  • Interaction with common people with Hon’ble Ministry – once/twice a year on Google hangout

Original Content Source: As per MORTH website Dated: 24.08.2013 

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